I can feed a third-world child for just $.50 (US) a day. It's a heartbreaking commercial, emaciated kids with large, innocent eyes staring at you, just needing some food and some meds. It also helps that the UNICEF ambassador is Alyssa Milano and I've seen her naked. It's more difficult to turn someone down when you have history like that. Then an hour later, I see another commercial, this one with cats and dogs, cold, shivering, mistreated, yeah, it's horrible, and it costs $.60 (US) a day. This is where I'm confused. I can help a small child, on another continent, for $.10 less than helping animals down the street? Sure, I'm overlooking all the overhead between me donated and the treatment my child/animal gets, but why would I pay more money to help animals instead of little kids of my own species? Now if this was save the wolves, I'm sure I'd take a different stance (I'm half animal myself), but I think anyone who places the lives of another species above those of their own don't really have a good sense of nature and might want to re-evaluate their place in the world. Yes, this is coming from a misanthrope.
You paid $.60 a day so this dog could sleep with
Sara McLachlan, when you could have paid me $.00.