What the fuck does that have to do with the album I bought? Or her as a musician? Nothing. It has everything to do with you. You're cool, because you know someone slightly famous. I'm glad she's so nice to you, and because she is, I want your autograph. I don't really understand what making up that shit is even accomplishing. If you had said, "I actually met her once and she was really cool and signed my jacket," then I wouldn't have devoted an entire blog entry to your lame attempt at trying to be cool by proxy.
Since you know her so well, I'm curious if she's no longer married to her bassist, Ben Lamb, who she performed on stage with last Friday, since you apparently think she's single. I learned that by going to her Wikipedia page, since I don't know her and she's not nice to me. But from now on, whenever anyone mentions my name, please chime in that I did a blog entry about you. People in 68 countries now hate you.
I once licked the Wolf Man.