Think your modified Android OS on your phone sucks because it only allows you to access Sprint's app store? Well, before it was cool, Chrysler did the same thing with proprietary, under-the-dash record players, in 1956. Yes, Chrysler, as in the car. Yes, record players, as in vinyl records. You might be thinking, wow, they had that technology back then and we don't even have it today. Well, it sucked back then and so far not enough hipsters buy Chrysler to get them to make them now. The biggest drawback for music fans was that some old fogey was deciding what music off of CBS' back catalog was available for purchase. If you wanted to listen to Aimee Mann's cover of One, you'd be shit out of luck today, but you could probably get that Margaritaville song. Also, automobiles are the only place I ever listen to CDs anymore, so let's not. Still, it was a cool idea and one they attempted again in the 60's, but while the music selection was better, the players were apparently worse. Hmm.
"Hey, little girl, wanna hear some Benny Goodman?"
Aimee Mann "One"
Highway Hi-Fi Wiki