Every time a profile asks, "Who is your hero?" someone has to say their kids. That takes about as much thought as listing Metallica as your favorite heavy metal band. Is your favorite heavy metal song One? Shut up. The problem with this answer, besides the obvious and blatant laziness in it, is that these people have obviously never read the definition of the word hero to begin with.
Hero, a noun, is defined as:
- A person, typically a man, who is admired for courage or noble qualities.
- The chief male character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities.
- Not your kids.
Did your kids do something courageous or noble when they were playing with their Lego Star Wars set? Maybe they put out a fire and saved the family from impending doom? But even if they did, does anyone actually admire them? They did it because they were scared, not noble and courageous, and that's not admirable at all.
Stop being a coward and man up. Your kids should never be your hero, unless they fought off burglars, or battled cancer, or were born with no arms and legs and keep on trucking, or you're not a man at all.