Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Those Extra Files in the Folder When You Pirate an Album

Its simple; I want a CD, I want it now, and luckily for me I could care less that I am stealing from some musician I would never pay money to listen to anyway. Music is like a drug, well, maybe an anti-inflammatory, one that when you want it, you want it, but you don’t really need it. Show of hands, how many people have ever purchased a CD to feel completely insulted by the lack of a good album? That one good song on the radio was the only good song, period. Remember the days where you had to purchase based on what the cover looked like? Man, that sucked.
With Napster came the greatest technology ever. Imagine the savings. You save time by not having to go to the store in rush hour traffic to buy the damn thing. You save gas, and potentially your life, because you could be in a car accident. Well, I guess something could fall on your house and kill you as you’re downloading, but that’s unlikely unless you live next to an airport or a mosque. If you’re smart and have a pair, you don’t waste your money and get ripped off by paying 99 cents a song. I don’t even want to question the logic of paying the same price for songs of varying length and varying quality, but rather I just want to know why when I download off some torrent site I always get these extra files that serve no fucking purpose that I can tell.
MSInfo files are the most annoying. I know, you’re saying they aren’t useless. Well, why when I click on it does it say “Windows is fucking stupid and should know by now to open this file in Notepad?” Why do I need all of the information about the CD that someone just stole off of Wikipedia anyway? SFV files are really pointless. Someone once explained that they are used to make sure files are not corrupted when you are compressing them. This means when you download off a torrent, unless the file is compressed it’s just debris left over by some lazy fucking up loader. What a fag. Then we have that text file that tells you where you downloaded it from, or who you downloaded it from. Look, if I don’t remember it, you’re doing something wrong and your quality probably sucks.


13 1984 200 2012 2013 2014 300 4G 9/11 911 Abercrombie abortion Abraham Lincoln addiction adoption Affleck AIDS Alec Alex Trebek Algeria. alive Amazon american express... well Amy Grant Android Andy Griffith Angelina Jolie Angry Birds Annoyances App Arabic Armstrong Arnold Arnold Schwarzenegger Aron Ralston Asia assault Australia bacon Bahamas Baldur's Gate Baldwin banished baseball beans Belgium Ben Ben Affleck Benjamin Wade Bible bidet Billy Corgan birthday Black Sabbath Black Sunday blank blind Blu-Ray Blue Oyster Cult Bob Marley Book books Bowser Brad Pitt braille Brazil brendan hood Brett Michaels Bruce Willis Bullet with Butterfly Wings calculus California Canada cancer Captain Ahab card Caribbean Carl Weathers Cat in the hat cellar cellphone cellular Challenge Challenger Charles S. Dutton Che Guevara Chevy Chick-fil-a China Christianity Christmas Chrome chronotype Chuck E. Cheese Cincinnati Cincinnati Bengals cleveland Colgate comedy communication Cookbook Corey Hart credit Crest Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Cypress Hill Dan Severn Danny DeVito danzig Dave Brockie david icke DC death debit Dell democracy Denmark Dennis Quaid Denzel Washington Dew Claw Die Ding DNA dog dollar Dolph Lundgren Doomsday Dr. Oz dr. seuss drive duck dynasty Dungeons and Dragons eHow Elbert Hubbard English Etsy Eva Mendes farewell fat Father's Day feminism feminist fields Fierce film finals Finland Firefox Fish Fitch flashback food Ford Ford Bronco Foreign Forrest Gump freaky friday Friday the 13th FU game gay gay marriage George Clooney German Germany Ghost Hunters ghosts Glenn Danzig God Google Greece groucho marx guardians of the galaxy Günther GWAR hail Hallmark Harrison harry potter hate Haunted heaven Hell Heracles hero heroes high-end advertisers Hindu Hippo Hispanic history hogwart horoscope horror House of Leaves Houston how the grinch stole christmas Hunter S. Thompson I think I'm cool ID India indians infernal insanis Insanislupus Internet Explorer Japan Jeopardy Jesus Joe Johnny Cash Joseph joy Judaism Judas Judy Garland Keanu Reeves Ken Shamrock Kentucky Kevin Bacon Kevin Matthews Kevin Sorbo kids Kill Kruger Lance Language lard Last Supper Latin Latino latte Lawrence Legion Limbaugh Lion Loki Lomax love LSD Lucy Lawless lupercalia lupus macy's mad magazine Magnum P.I. Insanis Mars Mary Marylin Monroe mastercard Mayan mayeb not american express. McDonald's Meatballs Media Monday memorial Metallica Microsoft Milton Mitt Mobile monday monster Moon Moon Monday Morgan Freeman Morse Code Mother's Day motor Movie movie monday MSInfo multimedia Monday murder music music monday Myspace Napster Neil Nelson Mandela new york News Night Watch Norse Norwegian Black Metal notre dame Oakley Obama October Olympics one organ donor owl Packard Bell Paul Paul Ryan Paul Templer Paul Walker peace PETA pharmacy phone pig pit bull Pittsburgh Penguins poetry Politics poverty Powerball President quote rack Rainbow random rat Ray-Ban Read reddit reggae religion Republican Revelations review richwood rob zombie Rocky Rolling Stone Romney Royce Gracie Rush Russia Russian Ryan Ryan Gosling Safari Saint Matthew Salma Hayek santa Satan saturday Schwarzenneger science science sunday Seagate sex Slayer Smashing Pumpkins Sonic Soul Temple South Africa Spanish stake land Stanley Cup star Starbucks Steve Guttenberg stop sign study suicide sunday sunglasses supernatural supernatural Saturday Sweden Swedish Sweetest Day Sword in the Stone Sylvester Stallone T. Rex taxes Terminator Texas thankful thanksgiving The Book of Five Rings The Catcher in the Rye the Grapes of Wrath They (2002) Tiger Direct Tom Tom hanks Tour de France Toys ‘R’ Us traffic Turkey TV Tyrese Gibson UCI UFC UK US USADA USDA Utah Valentine's Day vampire Venezuela Vevo Vice video Vince Gill vinyl visa vodka voting Wailers Wal-Mart Washington water fountain weather wednesday Western Digital Western Sky Western Union wiki wiki wednesday Wikipedia William Fowler Willie wine wizard wolves Youtube Zimbabwe