So you're on Facebook and scrolling through the feed, when you see someone saying something about how their house in Rhode Island went up in flames and half their family died. It's brutal, a situation no one wants to be in. (Not living in Rhode Island, but your house and family going up in flames. Well, yeah, living in Rhode Island is pretty bad too.) Anyway, your empathy kicks in, so you give the obligatory "thoughts and prayers" remark. You genuinely meant it, I mean, you thought about it, it sucked, you might pray.
Then some cunt decides to school you on how they don't need thoughts and prayers and neither of those work. They need this and that, and all of these other things, blah, blah, blah, foaming at the mouth with rabies. Thoughts and prayers is basic fucking recognition that someone gives a shit. Especially when it's all they have to give. I don't know you. I can't give you a new house. I can't bring your family back. But I can NOT be the shithead that didn't even click like or respond to your personal tragedy and instead decided to attack someone who sent you condolences in their own way that means something to them, and billions of others.
Now I know what you're thinking, thoughts and prayers for the kids in the school shooting down in Florida are useless and have done nothing. But you're probably also the same idiot that keeps talking on social media about changing laws, to an audience that has about as much influence on legislation as thoughts and prayers. And if you even start with blaming the president, shut the fuck up and learn how our government works.
Your precious little Democratic party didn't pass any concrete gun laws
when they could have, because they wanted votes and didn't want to
offend anyone. Republicans and Democrats are basically the same thing
and neither serve you, allowing 17 deaths in one rampage.
I think when most people can do something to help someone out, they do it, but when they can't, they offer thoughts and prayers, a little thing called hope, as in they hope you make it through, or that someone will help you out in some way, and not be the asshole that kept scrolling, not offering a damn thing, until they were offended by somebody actually doing more about the situation than they were. People need to grow the fuck up.
This is why I hate the internet today. Tune in tomorrow.