I had a goal in mind of 100 blog entries before the end of
the world, but in reality, the 50 entries milestone was the most blog entries I've ever achieved before having my blog deleted for whatever lame reason people
could come up with. Obviously, with this one being 99, I've exceeded that goal,
so there is really no reason to reach for the unprecedented 100. Now before
anyone gets bent out of shape and tells me the end of the world is not really
coming, I must warn you to stop being influenced by the same idiots they find
passed out and naked at the library, with a bottle of wine in one hand and the
latest Richard Dawkins book in the other, his author picture defiled after a
marathon fap session. While I’m at it, stop reading books about science from
non-practicing scientist who want to turn their work into a religion and also
stop pretending that you yourself are scientific; you’re not. Instead, you
should be reading Hal Lindsey, who has written about the end of the world since
1970, each update or rewrite of his original book stalling our ultimate demise.
He’s a real expert on the subject, unlike babbling idiots such as Nostradamus, Edgar
Cayce, and the occasionally correct Magic 8 Ball. I want to thank you all for
being devout readers over the years, especially those who have followed my blog
through the many incarnations and spread the word. 26 countries, 6 continents,
and 1 world have been reached by my message, and for that I am eternally
grateful. Or at least until midnight. I hope our enemies die first.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Magic 8 Ball, that whoever reads the
Anti-Social Club will still perish, but had a
much more enjoyable life than
everyone else."
- Lupus 99:1